Zuber Lawler adheres to the very highest standards in its attorney recruiting process. Zuber Lawler’s potential attorney candidate pool consists of the best attorneys at the best large law firms. A typical Zuber Lawler attorney excelled at the nation’s most selective schools, and a typical Zuber Lawler senior attorney has earned national or even global distinction in relevant areas of practice. In spite of these standards, or perhaps because of them, Zuber Lawler’s attorneys benefit from a collegial “team” mentality and uniquely cooperative environment. Attorneys that meet our rigorous recruiting standards are hard to find, and we are delighted to make the acquaintance of those that do.
Staff Persons
Zuber Lawler adheres to the very highest standards in its staff person recruiting process. Most of Zuber Lawler’s Paralegals and Legal Assistants have experience at large law firms, and all Zuber Lawler staff persons have demonstrated a team mentality and utter commitment to serving the interests of Zuber Lawler’s clients. A typical Zuber Lawler staff person thrives on the challenges and rewards inherent in working with top attorneys, but have come to appreciate that it is easier to do his/her best work in the context of a collegial and cooperative environment. Our exceptional attorneys are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with exceptional Paralegals, Legal Assistants and other staff persons, because it is this collaboration that makes our routine delivery of top-quality legal services possible.
Zuber Lawler makes a special effort to recruit diverse attorneys and staff persons. In fact, Zuber Lawler’s recruiting philosophy is focused on attracting the best attorneys and staff persons at each relevant level of experience by nurturing an environment in which ambitious and talented persons of all genders, races, ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations can thrive based on merit. We are proud of our status as a certified minority-owned law firm.
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