New ABA Book: “Building the Rule of Law: Firsthand Accounts From a Thirty-Year Global Campaign”
September 10, 2021 | Press
Two Zuber Lawler partners made major contributions to the American Bar Association’s long-awaited publication of “Building the Rule of Law: Firsthand Accounts From a Thirty-Year Global Campaign”, a comprehensive account of the ABA’s global rule of law programs. These programs were first initiated by the ABA’s Central and Eastern Europe Law Initiative, launched when the Berlin Wall fell and communist governments throughout Eastern Europe were replaced with new democratic systems, and have been continued by the ABA’s global Rule of Law Initiative. These unprecedented programs have been recognized worldwide; former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has described them as “the most effective voluntary legal assistance initiative in history”.
“Building the Rule of Law” takes the reader through the inception of these programs and their subsequent development, with many gripping personal accounts of legal assistance work, often in dangerous circumstances. Its 67 chapter, 543-page study concludes with incisive commentary on rule of law issues around the world, commentaries which are particularly timely in the present era.
Our late partner, Patrick Del Duca, originally conceived of this publication project and contributed to its early organization. Patrick supervised a major international practice at Zuber Lawler and was a leader of the ABA’s Section of International Law. His untimely death in May 2020, at age 62, was a setback to the ABA and the rule of law. In recognition of Patrick’s contribution to “Building the Rule of Law”, the publication is dedicated to him, and the ABA’s tribute to Patrick may be viewed here.
Our partner Gerold W. Libby of our Los Angeles office, a longtime international bar leader and former Chair of the ABA Section of International Law, served as co-editor of the entire publication, along with James R. Silkenat, a Past President of the ABA. The project took one and a half years to bring to publication fruition.
Copies of “Building the Rule of Law” may be ordered here.