Zuber Lawler Represents Topolewski and Mu in Appeal and Defense Victory; Judgment Modified From $62 Million to Zero
May 1, 2020 | US Law Updates, US Law Updates - Featured
Zuber Lawler successfully appealed a $62 million judgment to the California Court of Appeal, convincing the appellate court to modify the judgment to zero in valuation damages, and denying a plaintiff request for a retrial. Zuber Lawler also successfully defended a request for rehearing and a petition for review to the California Supreme Court.
The successful defense follows approximately a decade of litigation, including two trials and two appeals. After a bench trial in 2016, during which the defendants were burdened by an evidentiary discovery sanction for alleged refusal to provide certain financial documents in discovery, the trial court awarded plaintiff $62,282,000 in valuation damages. Zuber Lawler appealed and convinced the California Court of Appeal that the plaintiff did not provide sufficient evidence of the value of the company. The Court of Appeal modified the judgment to reflect a $0 valuation and denied further retrials on the issue. After over a decade of litigation, the result was a tremendous victory for Zuber Lawler’s clients David Topolewski and Hong Mu.
Zuber Lawler’s team included Jeff Zuber, Agnès Sullivan, Gerold W. Libby, paralegal Roland Lopez, and litigation assistant Debora Sanfelippo.